Sunday, February 21, 2010

Chinese New year in Indian Way

  Hey, don't get carried away by the title, I am not going to tell you of some celebrations done by me or my friends on the ocassion of Chinese New Year, but would definitely would like to make u aware of the facts which are common to the common mans customs and traditions.
  In china, the New year is celebrated on the First day of the first month of the Lunar Calendar, some may argue that they have seen Chinese celebrating the New year which falls on Jan 01 every year.  I won't counter it becoz the modern trends have created celebration the new year as per Gregorian Calendar not only in China but in every major part of the world, thanx to the Colonial Rules.
   The preparation of ''LAPAZHOU" which is a primary eatable during the celebration of Chinese New year is the most delicious one (atleast that's what I heard from my few friends who have been to China). You might wonder what this "Lapazhou" is ?  In local terms we could say it as something like '"gruel" which is sweet and delicious, it is similar to "PONGAL" of "Tamil nadu" in India or u can even say it as just the same as that of a "PAYASAM" in Kerala of India (both prepared in auspicious occassions).  Feeling watery in mouth, control.......
   the most important part which as the time had passed and we have forgotten (atleast many of the Malayalees in india have forgotten) is the celebrating style of New year.
    Here I would like to mention the style of New Year celebration of kerala (The MALAYALAM NEW YEAR) , which is commonly known as THE "VISHU".  Pl don't ask me the meaning of "Vishu", which i am afraid that i will not be able to answer to ur satisfaction. But in the terms by which i came across it, it is the most interesting festival of Kerala.

    On the day prior to vishu, the eldest female family member arranges the things which have to be seen as the "VISHU KKANI".  Which includes all the fruits, vegetables and yieldings which they either want for the following year to be grown in their home or for conveying thanx to the lord almighty for providing them which all those yieldings.  Whatever be the matter, it also consists of good sweets, of which "ADA" plays the prominent role.  "ADA" is made just like momos (The Chinese Speciality which every youngster residing in Chanakyapuri in Delhi might be aware of.  The only difference is Momos may consist of meat and is salty and round or oval in shape.  But the "ADA" is flat folded covered in "banana leaf" with servings of  jaggery and coconut, prepared in steam.   The breakfast may consists of "ADA" which you will have to take according to ur capacity,but my experience says that u wont be able to take more than three "ADA"s which are having gooood shape.  "Along with this u may have banana (generally NENTHRA PAZHAM), that too steamed (still remember MOMOS). Since every thing is sweet u may get little bit......, so the home arranges the PAPAD which is little bit salty and goes well to support the appetite.
     Oh, sorry, sorry, just thinking of the eatables, i got diverted.  I am not a person of huge appetite ( though some of my friends may say so, don't listen to them).
     One  of the main thing which the celebrations of both the countries carries along with it is the, bursting of crackers on the occassion of New Year.
     On the day of Vishu, after seeing the "VISHU KKANI" childrens and the members of the family receives blessings from their elders.  The most interesting part which I like of vishu is just in this process  of seeking blessings. EVERY ELDER WILL HAVE TO PRODUCE MONEY TO HIS YOUNGSTER WHOEVER IT IS ALONG WITH THE BLESSINGS, WOW, think of the situation when u r the youngest and no of persons in the family is ..........  So I always waited for this day every year.  Because on this day, all the members of the family wherever they are, assembles in their ancestral home, and celebrates the new year together.  (Hey, ...if any Malayalee reading this or even a non malayali reading this , u can just take advantage of this day from your elders, because, as I said, they will have to shower their blessings along with money to u on this auspicious day, even if they are just known to u...(got it)....ha  ha...
      There is one another important aspect in the celebration of New Year in both the countries.   In both the cases, there is BURSTING OF CRACKERS involved.  In China, it is believed that bursting of crackers will keep the bad spirits and ghosts away from home, so that happiness and harmony is maintained at home.   So a lot of firecrackers on the day.   And that's a plus point why we should not celebrate the Malayalam New Year or even in that case a Chinese New Year, because in both cases on the day of new year bursting of fire crackers are inevitable.  I like the latest flower fire works which are easily available in the market, might be under the influence of Chinese New Year.
    What ever the case might be, the only thing which I haven't been able to understand even today is....:-  Both the New Years are celebrated based upon the Lunar Calendar i.e 1st day of the 1st month of the Lunar calendar,  but in China the New year generally falls on the last ten days of January  and first ten days of February, whereas the Malayalam New Year i.e VISHU falls generally in the month of April 1st and 2nd weeks.  Which I hope, any of the educated or knowledgeable person, who may come across this post, may explain to me...
  And now, the morale part:---(Which I should not avoid)----Since being in such large distances, both the countries have same customs and traditions, why do we people still think each other as one seeking to take advantage of the other?  Is it not possible that, one day we should celebrate the New Years together and seek blessings from each other......
  Dont hesitate to provide me with your valuable comments...expecting to meet you in the next post very soon.....


  1. Short, but great...

  2. u could have gone into some more details about vishu

  3. 1. Great work for trying to bridge the gap between India and china thru a blog
    2. Story of the bell is good but a relevant instance of indian story cld have more added value
    3. Image of the blog could be designed that could bring in more relationship to the blog designed
    4. Few look in to the spell check, paragraph formatting and font style could be worthful
